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Litigation, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Mediation & Risk Management

Ayo-Kasumu & Company


Court Litigation, Injunction & Emergency Relief

Libel, Defamation, Intellectual Property Infringement & Data Protection

Regulatory Investigations

Litigation, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Mediation & Risk Management

The effective handling of disputes requires a carefully planned strategy, with due consideration of benefits, time, risks and costs.

We carry out a detailed review of the factual background before advising a client strategically on litigation, mediation, arbitration and other dispute resolution options, with their objectives and risk appetite firmly in mind. We will explore the strengths and weaknesses of our clients case with them to identify any pressure points, where any issues may arise and how best to deal with them.


Litigation refers to the process of resolving disputes by filing or addressing a complaint through the public court system.

In ages past, the principal role of a lawyer was to undertake client representation in the courts of law. While our combined years of experience in legal practice enables us to undertake this creditably well, the resolution of disputes through alternative dispute resolution mechanisms has since emerged as an important aspect of our work. In modern times for expediency, commercial disputes are more likely to be settled through the medium of arbitration or mediation rather than through the contentious route of litigation.


In this regard, our firm undertakes arbitration as well as alternative dispute resolution (ADR) procedures, particularly mediation and conciliation, on behalf of our clients. we handle a continuous series of cases involving trade contracts, property leases, and disputes on payment obligations. Our time-acquired goodwill and influence are also applied in our dispute resolution briefs as well as for the recovery of debts on behalf of our clients.

As leading dispute resolution lawyers, we pride ourselves on amicably resolving problems at great speed.

Our experienced and highly qualified arbitration counsels provide vital expert advice and representation.

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